Special Raid Weekend - Triple Candy XL
3 years ago
Date & Time: Saturday June 12 at 10am to June 13 at 8pm local time
Bonuses: 2x Candy for Catching
: Level 40 trainers will have 3x the chance of obtain XL candy for catching
In this guide we will include a concise PvP breakdown on IVs to target and how much to prioritize grinding for XLs during the raid weekend. GO Stadium has an excellent IV rank checker to show how your Pokémon is ranked, and you can adjust for any way you obtain the Pokémon.
Registeel: Steel - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2766
Weaknesses: Fighting, Fire, Ground
Resistances: Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel, 2x Poison
Evolution Costs: N/A
2nd Charge Move Costs: 100 Registeel candy & 100k stardust
GL: Registeel: 2/13/14 Level 23.5
UL: Registeel: 1/10/15 Level 50
XL Priority: High - Meta pick for UL with unique coverage
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: N/A
PVP Considerations:
Registeel is one of the strongest picks in Ultra League, and requires XL candies in order to reach 2500CP. You can power up a Registeel with a more defense-oriented IV distribution (such a 1/10/15), or you can simply top up your old Registeel (which was likely close to 15/15/15).
Timburr: Fighting - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1487
Gurdurr: Fighting - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2452
Conkeldurr: Fighting - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 3773
Weaknesses: Fairy, Flying, Psychic
Resistances: Bug, Dark, Rock
Evolution Costs: 50 Timburr candy > Gurdurr 200 Timburr candy, or 0 after trade > Conkeldurr
2nd Charge Move Costs: 75 Timburr candy & 75k stardust
GL: Timburr: 15/15/15 Level 50
GL: Gurdurr: 1/15/15 Level 26
GL: Conkeldurr: 3/15/15 Level 16.5
UL: Gurdurr: 15/15/15 Level 50
UL: Conkeldurr: 0/15/12 Level 28
ML: Conkeldurr: 15/15/15 Level 50
XL Priority: High - Good in ML
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: N/A
PVP Considerations:
Conkeldurr is one of the strongest fighting types in Master League, up there with Machamp in terms of meta relevance. It is only available in raids, so this is your absolute best deal for getting XL candies for it outside of waiting for a future Community Day.
Snorlax: Normal - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 3647
Weaknesses: Fighting
Resistances: 2x Ghost
Evolution Costs: N/A
2nd Charge Move Costs: 75 Snorlax candy & 75k stardust
2nd Charge Move Costs for Shadow: 90 Snorlax candy & 90k stardust
GL: Snorlax: 1/15/14 Level 17.5
UL: Snorlax: 0/12/15 Level 29.5
ML: Snorlax: 15/15/15 Level 50
XL Priority: High - Meta pick for ML with unique coverage
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Pidgeot
PVP Considerations:
Snorlax is a strong option to use in Master League, and getting XL candies for it can be a challenge. Snorlax would be a good target if you are looking for something to spend your raid passes on this weeked.
Slowpoke: Water/Psychic - 15/15/15 level 50 - 1386 CP
Slowbro: Water/Psychic - 15/15/15 level 50 - 2877 CP
Slowking: Water/Psychic - 15/15/15 level 50 - 2877 CP
Evolution Costs: 50 slowpoke candy > Slowbro or Slowking + Kings Rock
Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Electric, Ghost, Grass
Resistances: Fighting, Fire, Ice, Psychic, Steel, Water
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Slowpoke candy & 50k stardust
2nd Charge Move Costs for Shadow: 60 Slowpoke candy & 60k stardust
Galarian Slowpoke: Psychic - 15/15/15 Level 50 - 1386 CP
Galarian Slowbro: Poison/Psychic - 15/15/15 Level 50 - 2764 CP
Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Ground
Resistances: Fairy, Grass, Poison, 2x Fighting
Evolution Costs: 50 slowpoke candy > Slowbro + Catch 30 poison pokemon when your buddy
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Slowpoke candy & 50k stardust
LC: Slowpoke: 2/15/14 level 16
GL: Slowpoke: 15/15/15 level 50
GL: Galarian Slowpoke: 15/15/15 level 50
GL: Slowbro: 0/13/15 level 22.5
GL: Slowking: 0/13/15 level 22.5
GL: Galarian Slowbro: 0/14/11 Level 23.5
UL: Slowbro: 0/14/14 level 45.5
UL: Slowking: 0/14/14 level 45.5
UL: Galarian Slowbro: 1/15/11 Level 48.5
XL Priority: Medium - Slowpoke is spice pick for GL and Slowbro/Slowking are spice for UL
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: Gyarados or Blastoise
PVP Considerations
Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking all have decent play in PvP. However, there is a Spotlight Hour upcoming on June 15th featuring Slowpoke. That would be the recommended way to get any XL candies you are looking for. That being said, Galarian Slowpoke is expected to be nearly exclusive in raids during this event, so you likely need to raid for them anyways. You might as well get some XL candies in the process, assuming you don’t have other XL targets in mind where passes would be better served.
Regirock: Rock - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 3530
Weaknesses: Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Resistances: Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison
Evolution Costs: N/A
2nd Charge Move Costs: 100 Regirock candy & 100k stardust
GL: Regirock: 2/15/15 Level 18
UL: Regirock: 1/14/15 Level 30.5
ML: Regirock: 15/15/15 Level 50
XL Priority: Low - Spice pick for ML
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: N/A
PVP Considerations:
Regirock is a solid pick in Great League and Ultra League, but rarely seen in Master League outside of community run Master League formats. This is not likely to be high on the priority list, as XL candies are only relevant for ML.
Regice: Ice - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 3530
Weaknesses: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Resistances: Ice
Evolution Costs: N/A
2nd Charge Move Costs: 100 Regice candy & 100k stardust
GL: Regirock: 2/15/15 Level 18
UL: Regirock: 1/14/15 Level 30.5
ML: Regirock: 15/15/15 Level 50
XL Priority: Low - Spice pick for ML
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve: N/A
PVP Considerations:
Regice is a solid but unspectacular pick in Great League and Ultra League, but rarely seen in Master League outside of community run Master League formats. This is not likely to be high on the priority list, as XL candies are only relevant for ML.
Croagunk: Poison/Fighting - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 1077
Toxicroak: Poison/Fighting - 15/15/15 level 50 - CP 2813
Weaknesses: Flying, Ground, 2x Psychic
Resistances: Dark, Fighting, Grass, Poison, Rock
Evolution Costs: 50 Croagunk candy > Toxicroak
2nd Charge Move Costs: 50 Croagunk candy & 50k stardust
LC: Croagunk: 0/13/15 level 21
GL: Toxicroak: 1/15/15 Level 22.5
UL: Toxicroak: 0/15/12 Level 46.5
XL Priority: Medium - Meta relevant pick for UL
Shiny: Yes
Mega Evolve:
PVP Considerations:
Toxicroak is a meta relevant option in Ultra League, namely in Ultra League premier. That being said, you likely won’t be looking to raid for its XL candies as Croagunk tends to be a more common spawn option. Additionally, it can be argued that you don’t need a maximum stat product on Toxicroak and that you can get similar results out of a 15-15-15 Toxicroak or similar. High attack has its advantages and costs less resources. A 100% Toxicroak does not require any XL candies, and an IV combination like 13-15-15 only requires 20 XL candies to bring up to Level 41.